深圳藝校福田泰然學校 2020年秋季插班生及2-9年級報到時間
來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-08
Dear Parents:
Welcome to join the family of Futian Tairan School with your children. In order to help your children adapt to the new environment smoothly and start their studying with a happy beginning in Futian Tairan school, please cooperate with the school, accompany and help your children. Here are some kindly reminders, please read carefully.
Registration time
8月28日,學生到校,早上9-10:30 班級建設活動;
August 28, students come to school, start the class spirit building activities from9:00am to 10:30am.
(1)The class arrangement information for the transfer students will be displayed at the door of the library in the first floor, please check it out.
(2)There will be lots of people on the registration day, please keep an eye on your own belongings.
(3)Please pay the tuition fee and the Miscellaneous fees at the school finance office on the registration day.
The school doesn't provide parking space, we suggest you take public transportation.
School starting time
Monday, August 31, all the students attend school following normal sched