深圳諾德安達雙語學(xué)校 老師,你好-跟著Gert博士去了解生物的秘密吧
來源:好上學(xué) ??時間:2024-03-08
Grobler 博士畢業(yè)于比勒陀利亞大學(xué),在此期間,他獲得了分子生物學(xué)的學(xué)士學(xué)位,遺傳學(xué)的榮譽學(xué)士學(xué)位,遺傳學(xué)的碩士學(xué),以及昆蟲學(xué)的博士學(xué)位。在攻讀博士期間,他利用遺傳學(xué)研究昆蟲的物種形成期間,發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個新的昆蟲物種,為人類的昆蟲研究做出了杰出的貢獻。
Grobler 博士在香港期間擔(dān)任英國皇家生物學(xué)學(xué)會香港分會的名譽秘書,同時作為香港生物多樣性中心創(chuàng)辦人之一,通過舉辦公開演講和創(chuàng)立工作室等方式積極推廣市民科學(xué)。
Dr. Grobler studied at the University of Pretoria where he completed his Bachelor degree in Molecular Biology, BSC (Hons) in Genetics, MSc in Genetics and PhD in Entomology. For his PhD he used genetics to study the speciation dynamics of a group of insects and discovered a new species.
As the Honorary Secretary of the Royal Society of Biology Hong Kong Branch, Dr. Grobler is one of the organizers of the Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition and the Royal Society of Biology Hong Kong Branch’s Poetry Competition. Dr. Grobler is active in promoting Citizen Science and has organized many public talks and workshops through DIYBIO Hong Kong of which he is one of the founders.
關(guān)于教學(xué),Grobler博士在南非大學(xué)獲得了PGCE學(xué)位并且深入學(xué)習(xí)了IB和國際教育的方法。他擁有14年的海外教學(xué)經(jīng)驗,對于雙語教育Grobler 博士認為如果在未來國際舞臺上取得成功,中文和英文都是必不可少的,雙語教育可以作為學(xué)生們在國際上取得成功的因素之一,比如在科學(xué)領(lǐng)域里,中國的科學(xué)家通過中文交流工作,但是他們要通過會議和出版物將他們的研究成果用英文傳達給全世界,所以擁有雙語教育的學(xué)生們,他們會對這兩種語言都非常有信心。
Dr. Grobler obtained his PGCE from the University of South Africa and has studied IB and international education approaches. He thought in order to succeed in the global arena, both Chinese and English are essential. Through bilingual education students will be equipped to succeed both nationally and internationally. This is especially important in the world of science where scientists in China often work in Chinese but communicate their findings to the international scientific community in English through conferences and publications. Bilingual education students will be equally confident in both languages.