來源:好上學(xué) ??時(shí)間:2024-02-16
加方副校長 Greg Smith:
SCCSC graduates forged their own paths to success
Good afternoon,
Welcome school leaders, teachers, and friends. Last, but not least, welcome graduates. Today is your day. It gives me great pleasure to address you on this momentous occasion.
Three years ago, your families left under SCCSC’s care its most precious possession - you. They entrusted the school to take care of you, nurture you, and help you grow as a person. To further your education; instill in you a passion to learn; thus, preparing you for the next step you take.
The graduating students at SCCSC had a wide range of aspirations and interests. We were captivated by three years of outstanding Culture Festivals, Round Square Conferences, Academic Competitions, and the numerous awards earned by our exceptional student clubs.
When you came to this school in grade 10, it was the start of a new journey, and a step towards new adventures and new experiences. You have made friends, cultivated relationships, met with success, suffered some setbacks, tackled issues, solved problems, and learned a new language. You may not realize it, but your character has grown with every new step.
You took different paths to get to this point over the last three years. Through various academic and extra-curricular pursuits, no two SCCSC student experiences were the same. Remember that there is no one way to succeed, or one road to success.
There are over 260 graduating students in front of me that deserve to be proud of what they have done! We are here to acknowledge your efforts and dedication, as each of you have given a great deal of time, effort, and sacrifice to get to this point.
Today marks a new beginning – your transition to adulthood. By earning your diploma, you are prepared for this new beginning. You have earned this rite of passage.
If there is one statement that rings true about adulthood, it is knowing that you are never alone. Never be afraid to reach out to the people here and to others you have yet to meet. There is always someone willing to assist you, and to help you through the challenges of life.
I think back to my graduation from high school. I didn’t think I would ever live outside my home province in Canada, let alone spend the next twenty years travelling to 46 countries, taking in new sights, sounds, experiences, and feeling challenged while also challenging others all along the way.
It may be difficult to imagine but think of all the possibilities waiting for you after graduation; the challenges you’ll face and overcome. You may feel nervous and apprehensive, but I’m sure you also feel happy and excited.
SCCSC wishes you well. You are ready for your next set of challenges, opportunities, and achievements.
Remember to visit us from time to time and share how your adventure is going, because no matter what life brings you, it is all part of one long adventure.
We congratulate you on your accomplishments, past, present, and future. We salute your effort and diligence to being the best you can be. We know you will do well in your future endeavours.
Enjoy this moment.